Monday, September 8, 2008

Pixar and such

Wall-E is the latest Pixar animation. I haven't seen it so I shouldn't really comment on it, although it's meant to be very good; potential "best picture" nomination. What I will comment on though: computer animated films. I'm getting a bit sick of them. They just seem really gimmicky, and the stories more and more preposterous with each film that comes out.
It's like they think:

"OK, we're raking it in with these CGI kids movies... what can we do next?"
"Oh we haven't had one about cars yet..."
"Yeah, that'll do. What should we call it?"
"Uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm... Oh F--k it, let's just call it 'Cars'."

Apply the same logic to robots, monsters, penguins, superheroes, fish... rats! Obviously, I'm not in the ideal age demographic to appreciate these films, but it's not as though I'm against cartoons - I have fond memories of the old Disney feature films.

Another thing: What's with the way people look in these latest ones?

Surely they don't have to look THAT mutated?

Now, don't get me wrong, I liked the first Toy Story, Shrek, and I didn't mind Finding Nemo. But Robots, Ice Age (can you believe there's an Ice Age 2 for goodness sake!), Madagascar, Ratatouille, Happy Feet, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars? Please make them stop.


Unknown said...

The reason they look that mutated is to avoid the uncanny valley. Look it up.

Cabernet Leather said...

I think the uncanny valley has the opposite effect on me.

Laura said...

Remember when most movies were marketed to adults? Those were the days.

Alan said...

Dude.. Madagascar was the movie highlight of that year for me..
My incoming email sound is a quote from madagascar, as was my ringtone for some time.. :P

Cabernet Leather said...

Well, whatever floats your boat Alan. :)