Monday, December 1, 2008


I watched the much-hyped Michael Mann film 'Collateral' on the weekend. I've been meaning to see it for a while and was looking forward to doing so because it's in a genre that I have a soft spot for - the Thriller. I love these kind of films.

I was a bit disappointed with 'Collateral' though. I still enjoyed it, and there's a lot about it that's impressive - Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxxxxx are both excellent, and Michael Mannnn's treatment of Los Angeles as a setting is really cool. There are a lot of shots from unusual angles to bring out the city's skyline... LA was basically as good as a supporting actor in this film - much like New York is in Lumet's and some of Scorsese's work (gee, how much of a wanker do I sound like?!)
However, I was unmoved by the attempt at profound dialogue between Cruise and Foxxxxxxxxx. Also, the story was quite empty; I really wanted to know more about the characters and why Tom Cruise was killing them all - apart from just (POSSIBLE SPOILER) "they're all involved in some court case". Maybe I missed some key explanation due to the terrible sound quality on the TV I was watching.

In my opinion, a more intricate back story would've elevated this film from OK to excellent. The ending was an anticlimax too. But there was a cool, slightly surreal, vaguely symbolic scene with a wolf (or maybe a coyote?). I really liked that scene.


Angus said...

I love Michael Mann's visual style. And Tom Cruise as the baddy is great casting. Jamie Foxxxxx pre-Oscar is working hard to get better, and he does a good job in Collateral.

But seriously, the visual style. The trailer for Miami Vice was one of the BEST trailers I have ever seen.
1 part over-exposed Michael Mann-footage
1 part Colin Farrell's terrible facial hair
1 part Jamie Foxxxxx in sexy suits
1 part freakin' awesome Jay-Z/Linkin Park track

And you get a fantastic trailer. And a terrible movie.

Mikey Lynch said...

I've lived with the guilt of not seeing what all the fuss was about with this film for so long. Thanks Dr Leather.



Cabernet Leather said...

I didn't see Miami Vice and I don't think I ever will - even the awesome trailer can't coax me.

'Heat' is Mann's best film, I reckon - with plenty of visual style on show (over 3 hours of it!).

Underwhelmed - you are not alone. Hang in there.

Mikey Lynch said...

Heat! Yes! Hip hip hooray!



JK said...

Yeh it was quite a dry 2 hours in the end hey leather.

Alexander said...

Heat - Best movie EVAR!!!

As for this one, I have no idea what you're all talking about. Can someone please fill me in with a crib-sheet on 'Australia: 2008Popular Culture' when I get back?

Cabernet Leather said...

This film came out in 2004!

Alexander said...

I did not know that.

lukeisham said...

I really enjoyed Collateral but yest to the conclusion, Mann cheated a little but he's from hollywood what more could I expect.

lukeisham said...

I read them first.