Friday, August 1, 2008

The Dark Knight

This was incredibly gripping. It had me hooked for the full 2.5 hours. The story is very well crafted, with so many twists and turns; I completely bought into it. Relentless intensity.

Heath Ledger's joker is brilliant; easily his best performance. He's one of the most chilling villains to be filmed in a long time, not just a comic book bad guy but a true, multi layered psychopath. I love that they made the Joker genuinely clever; he totally outwitted Batman and the police (the escape from prison was ingenious and the magic trick with the pen... how cool was that?!). What's more, I liked it that Batman did not understand the Joker, that he underestimated him. There was no sense of inevitability that Batman was going to come out on top; this was never the case in Tim Burton's Batman (which I also like).

The corruption and general seediness of Gotham adds a really interesting dimension to these new Batman films (obviously it's in all the films but explored much further in the latest ones). It really feels like a crime drama/thriller more than a superhero movie. It actually reminded me a lot of Heat.

One thing that wasn't so good: Batman takes a back seat in this one. They undid a lot of the really interesting character development that occurred in Batman Begins, by having him seemingly go through the motions. Another mild criticism I had was that the fall of Harvey Dent/Two-Face into evil seemed very rushed. I found it hard to believe that would happen so suddenly. Perhaps they could have extended it into the next film? Aaron Eckhart was very good though, and I was glad to see Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman get more screen time in this one. I think Christopher Nolan is the perfect director for these films; he's such an enigmatic storyteller and he handles action sequences so well. Can't wait for the next one!

4 stars

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